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  Community Outreach  

The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.”

 Albert Einstein quotes


At IAST, members of the faculty as well as the student community are active participants of various community outreach activities run by its sister organizations.


This is greatly helpful in creating a sense of awareness amongst the students and about the imminent problems facing the society and making them sensitive to the issue of poverty eradication. Students develop the priceless virtues of humility, selflessness and gratitude when they work in these activities.


Jagruti Foundation for rural development:


nurtures the most elusive dream of inclusive growth for the country, where prosperity is just not a phenomenon but fact of rural India. The skill development and training initiative of the foundation plans to enrich the lives 20,000 rural below poverty line youth across the states of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Orissa with meaningful employment.


PKN Medical Foundation:


is a social responsibility initiative with the sole aim of promoting health facilities among the underprivileged masses. Activities include regular eye camps, blood donation camps, medical surveys, AIDS awareness programs and many more of such initiatives. With an intention of promoting health and hygiene in rural areas, the students periodically conduct medical awareness camps.


SP Foundation for Leadership Development:  


Promotes leadership in individuals from all walks of life. The objective is to encourage youngsters, professionals, managers, housewives and almost anyone to learn and become effective leaders, who can influence and make a positive change to the environment they live in. In order to fulfill this purpose of offering stalwart leaders who can bring about a huge paradigm shift to the society, SPFLD gives you the opportunity to avail scholarships for your children who can study at the Indo American Schools.


Via Veritas Vita Center for Human Evolution:


was initiated to preserve the invaluable source of wisdom existing in historical sacred texts such as Gita & Vedas by presenting their essence in a form palatable to this generation. The center organizes seminars, symposium, conferences and workshop and forums to share the wealth of knowledge left behind by great minds of the forgone centuries. The objective is to help people evolve and support them attain the stages of self-actualization and self-realization. The idea is a better person will make a better society.