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Jagruti Foundation

Jagruti Foundation for rural development is CSR initiative of Pujaris Educational Trust. The core objective of this foundation is to alleviate poverty in rural areas by providing skill based occupational training programs to the (BPL) below poverty line youth. The BPL youth are trained in all of the hospitality functions and departments and are placed in some of the leading hotels in India. This employment program is truly rewarding and beneficial not only to the BPL families but is also helpful in eradicating the perils of poverty and unemployment in our country. Jagruti project is active in three states namely Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal and efforts are being invested in extending the operations to other states as well. This project is supported by the Ministry of Rural Development of India (MORD) and regulated by the National Institute of Rural Development of India (NIRD). The project aims to transform the lives of about 20000 BPL youth through the National Skills Development Program in a span of four years.

At IAST, members of the faculty as well as the student community actively participate in the various activities of Jagruti Foundation. This has been greatly helpful in creating a sense of awareness amongst the students and about the imminent problems facing the society and making them sensitive to the issue of poverty eradication. Students also develop the priceless virtues of humility, selflessness and gratitude when they work in these activities.



     PKN Medical Foundation

    The Pydi Kami Naidu Medical Foundation is a simple initiative taken up by the institution with the sole aim of promoting health facilities for the underprivileged people who are not in a position to spend for their medical and health expenses.

    The Foundation conducts regular eye camps, medical surveys in rural areas, blood donation camps to help the needy as well as to create awareness amongst people about blood donation. It also conducts medical awareness programs, AIDS awareness programs frequently in rural areas.

    The students of IAST participate with great interest and enthusiasm in all our programs that are held in several backward areas of the state. Awareness camps are being held by our students to disseminate information about staying healthy through preventive methods like hygiene, nutrition and prevention.




 SP Foundation for Leadership Development

The Savitri Pujari Foundation for Leadership Development (SPFLD) is an altruistic trust established with the sole objective of nurturing leadership founded on the principles of human values and ethics. One of the most significant and important functions of SPFLD is to provide innovative leadership training and development solutions to individuals from all walks of life. Leadership is a quality that is always admired and cherished by one and all irrespective of the fact as to whether one is educated or illiterate. Leadership is a quality that transcends all barriers of race, color, creed and gender and is definitely a prerequisite to excel, influence and inspire people from different backgrounds.

SPFLD has laid the foundation for leadership development to encourage students, youngsters, professionals, corporate staff, CEO’s , managers, housewives and almost anyone to learn and become effective leaders who can influence and make a positive change to the environment they live in. SPFLD offers scholarships for all aspiring students who have the enthusiasm and willingness to learn and assimilate new leadership concepts and apply them in diverse fields of expertise for the benefit of the community at large. In order to fulfill this purpose of offering stalwart leaders who can bring about a huge paradigm shift to the society, SPFLD gives you the opportunity to avail scholarships for your children to study at the Indo American School.



Via Veritas Vita Center for Human Evolution

Our Via Veritas Vita Center strongly functions around the truth that life is not possible without evolution. We all aim at evolving into complete human beings at every point in our lives. Hence the important trait of any successful human being would be to maintain the gift of god that is the life present in the mind and soul in perfect shape. The Siddha Samadhi Yoga Organization of Pujya Rushi Prabhakarji is actively engaged in helping our students in enriching their spiritual health.

Instruction on pranayama, yogasana, transcendental meditation and pranic healing is offered in an effective manner in the campus that would enable our students to generate positive energy from within and counter all the negative forces around them. The Center has been working diligently to help our students develop a sense of confidence about their own self and to nurture a deep sense of internal awakening in them that sets them apart from the rest.